Wednesday, October 22, 2008


In the morning during breakfast, I usually read the "Dear Carolyn" advice column next to the crossword puzzles. A lot of times they are about failing marriages, weddings, or etiquette, but a few weeks ago, I came across a very unique call for help. A woman wrote in about how she had been married and divorced, put her kids through college, and now is in a relationship with another woman. Since she has been previously married, co-workers may have a hard time coming to terms with her sexual orientation, and she is struggling to come out, or if she should say anything at all. Another issue at hand is the upcoming vacation with her workplace. She says she's been on vacations with her partner's company and wants to return the favor, but can't figure out how to tell her co-workers. I can't decide if it would be better to just bring her along and let them figure out what is going on between them, or just to introduce her as "my partner".
The fact that this is a problem for her is kind of frustrating to me, because if she were straight, it would be easy to figure out. This woman is counting on the prejudice of others and it's stressing her out. I think that she needs to feel comfortable with the way she is, and I hope that other employees around her are respectful of that.

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