Tuesday, January 6, 2009


iTunes has recently announced that it will be removing the DRM restrictions from its online music store. Each downloaded itunes file contained extra software that stopped it from being duplicated multiple times or put on other music players. It seems like kind of a moneymaking ploy though, because songs WITH DRM are $0.69, and songs without are $1.29. DRM was never popular with the music industry, and now iTunes is charging customers extra to have music without it. I'm sure eventually things will work themselves out, but for now it just seems like kind of a scam. I was happy with the consistent dollar-a-song. Another thing I noticed before I read the article, was an option on my iTunes that offered to strip the DRM from all of my music for $107. I wonder if anyone actually would spend the money to do that. We'll see if iTunes makes more or less money off of this change.


1 comment:

abbydauth said...

i like to hear your opinion on things in your blogs.
i like the one dallor one song rule too.